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Principal's Page

Welcome to Smoketown Elementary! 

Welcome to Smoketown Elementary!  My name is Dr. Andy Graybill, and I am the Principal at Smoketown Elementary. The 2024-25 school year marks the first for me as principal at Smoketown but I spent the last 14 years as principal at Brownstown Elementary. For those of you returning to Smoketown, we are excited about your return. For those of you who are new to Smoketown, we are excited to have you join the Smoketown Community!

Here at Smoketown, our vision is to be a community where everyone develops strong character and a passion for lifelong learning. This means we care about the whole child. We want to provide a safe environment where all students can learn and reach their full potential.  While maintaining high academic and behavioral expectations for our students, our teachers utilize a variety of research-based instructional practices and programs to meet the diverse needs of our community. We focus on school-wide initiatives to foster positive behaviors and relationships in every setting.

Additionally, the faculty and staff at Smoketown Elementary are committed to working together in partnership with our parents to ensure students' academic success and developmental growth. We are blessed to have tremendous parent and community support. I encourage all parents and community members to visit our school and to become involved.


On behalf of our faculty and staff, I welcome you to Smoketown Elementary School!  If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me at the school.

Andy Graybill, Ed.D.
Smoketown Elementary Principal

Assistant Principal:

Kelly Keim

Smoketown Main Office

Office Hours:  8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Phone:  (717) 394-0555
Fax:  (717) 394-2792

Our School Vision
Our vision is to be a community where everyone develops strong character and a passion for lifelong learning.

Our School Mission
Together we Care, Lead and Learn
by being Respectful, Responsible and Safe