Meet Your School Nurse
The nursing team at Conestoga Valley share a variety of roles within the district and work closely with the counselors, psychologists, administration and staff members throughout the buildings. I continually look for ways to connect with and serve the students of CV. Please know that I am available to your children if they need support with health-related issues during the school day. Similarly, I am available to you at any time you have questions or concerns. My overall goal is to enhance your child’s educational experience through seamlessly bridging any medical/educational gaps encountered.
Please feel free to contact me any time!
Mrs. Susan Miller, MSN, RN, CSN
Phone: 717-394-0555 Ext. 6050
Smoketown Health Room Nurses
Jennifer Schnapf, BSN, RN
CV nurses believe in the following foundations
- Every student has the right to all educational opportunities that will allow him/her to strive for personal excellence, while becoming caring and contributing citizens in a global community.
- Every student has the right to a level of health that permits maximum utilization of those educational opportunities.
- Parents and guardians have full responsibility for the health of their children; school nurses collaborate with parents and guardians in providing health services to their children while in school.
- The school health program, through the components of health services, health education, and concern for the environment, provides knowledge and understanding on which to base decisions for the promotion and protection of individual, family, and community health.
- The appropriate roles of the school nurse in the school health program include: manager of school health care, delivery of health services, advocate for the rights of children, counselor for health concerns of children, families, and staff as well as educator for school/community regarding health concerns.